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Creating a Space that you love (and use)

March 2, 2021


Many people in design work sometimes focus on many elements that are not concrete. They are a concept or an idea of how a space will be used. Compared to how it is actually used in everyday life.

This problem creates many unused and unneeded garden spaces as well as can cost a lot of money.

The main things I like to focus on are where the points of entry are to a garden space, how your eye flows around it and how you see it from the main visible points.

I always remind people to think of how they are going to live in the space day to day in reality compared to the fantasy of how they imagine themselves wanting to use the space. Sometimes these two things can come together, but often things get convoluted.

Keep it simple, and free of clutter, make the lines flow. The lawn and garden beds should share the space like ying and yang.

Happy planting!

/from blog

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